I said about a month ago that I would make a video showing everyone how i do my hair, so I did but it was 20 mins long and I couldn't edit it on my phone. So then I tried editing it on the computer and it didn't recognize the file. So yesterday I recorded another one, edited it and everything but now the computer wont read my phone card so I can't get it from my phone onto my computer so I don't really know what I'm gonna do about that.... sorry guys I'll try and get it working



  1. love this look it's gorgeous! :)
    i posted a comment on your lookbook but i didn't think you would get it.
    can i interview you for my blog?

  2. yea sure, what you want me to do? (: can msg me on myspace if you wanntt xx

  3. Hay dear blogger!
    How are you? I'm glad that I've visited this blog! She's lovely.

    Please, check mine too & maybe we can follow eachother!
    Love, Cindy.

  4. hi we are new and we love your blog
    so do you want to follow or blog?


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