As you know I'm putting stuff on ebay, I'm in the process of washing everything at the moment and I'm washing all similar colours together, so its going to take a few washes to get everything done seeing as I seemed to of picked a rainbow of clothes. I currently have one thing listed, however its not one of my items of clothing, it was my moms, and this ebay account is also my moms but anyway here it is link seeing as you've all been asking for it.

Anyway I was wondering what peoples opinions were on the elasticated skirts that they used to sell in the urban renewal section of urban outfitters? with the gold buttons on? I was thinking of making some myself and putting them on ebay. They don't sell them anymore but there about £15 at vintage stores and I've got some vintage looking fabric and was thinking of selling them from £8-£10 on ebay.

Also finally I WILL be putting these beautys on ebay too! Bidding will start at £30 and I will be posting them worldwide however I would like to post one more look on lookbook with them on just so they gain more interest, plus im slightly attached to them haha. Postage worldwide is £10, the are extremely heavy! Well... 800g

All my items will be available for postage world wide however postage could be quite expensive.

Thanks for reading and I hope you get back to me about those skirts :)
Kayla x x

Im writing up the skirt tutorial like, right now!


  1. PLEASE do that skirt thing. i love your clothes and you could earn so much money from doing that.
    do itttt! :D :D :D xxx.

  2. I'm really excited for this (:

  3. Ahh i think the skirt things a great idea i was going to attempt to make it but decided my sewing skills arent good enough :( Do it, do it, do it muahahaa :) <3


  4. not a bad idea! wish i could afford to do some shopping. love those shoes

  5. Wow i've seen all your post and they are amazing! I've seen that you have a lookbook account, how do yo do that?hahah I think i gonna talk about you in Spain! The shoes are just AMAZING! If You have some minuts visit my blog:
    http://martinacamila.blogspot.com/. And as i say: Congratulations!

  6. you are in my Blogspot in "Love on LookBook"

  7. i love your clothes! i found your blog via lookbook and you have great style. i really like the way you take/edit your photos. i wish i could take mine like that.

    and thanks for following my tumblr. :)

    lovely blog!
    erin :)

  8. I follow you on lookbook
    you're great!
    I'd like to publish your photo in website i work. I sent you an e-mail!

  9. beautiful shoes! i love them! i will definately be checking them out on ebay! great blog, following :)

  10. LOVED those skirts, I am eagerly awaiting the tutorial, that's so nice of you!
    I just became our 200th follower, geek out, ha

  11. Thank you everyone for your replies :D I'mma gonna make some skirts soon then and the shoes will go on ebay soon too :D

    Martina Camil·la: apply for a membership :) thank youu i'l check out your blog :D
    Signé: Marie B thank youu :):)
    Lucia Del Pasqua : I would loveee to, I don't think I got your email, mine is its_a_matter_of_cards_we_deal@hotmail.co.uk

    and rachel lily my 200th follower aha :D

  12. Personally, I find Urban Renewal annoying. Sometimes they come out with a great-looking item, but it's always insanely overpriced, like $78 or something. Ontop of that, it's like faux-vintage for hipsters who are too lazy to actually shop at thrift stores. I feel like Urban Outfitters is trying to sell the idea of vintage, without the cheap cost or unique shopping experience you'd typically have. You should make your own skirts :)


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