Yesterday when I got back from college I watched The Great British Hairdresser and decided that I very much miss my long hair. I know a lot of you will probably say that I already have long hair, but to me, what I have is only medium length. I used to be able to almost sit on my hair when I was about 15/16 and then I stupidly cut it off to shoulder length because someone said they preferred it shorter. I've been trying to grow it back ever since. It seems to grow so slowly..

I decided to clip in my really horrible synthetic extensions that I bought from a charity shop (they had never been used before) and I really wish my hair was still this long :( I've never worn extensions before, mainly because I know that my hair will eventually grow to that length, I feel like I'd be cheating at having long hair and also I do an awful job of disguising them and making them look natural.. as you can tell lol

I've started parting my hair in the middle.. I think I look weird with a fringe now haha, there is no turning back. I'm also lost without my black lipstick, you can probably tell seeing as I'm wearing it in every photo I've posted recently.


  1. heck why not middle part it all the time! it brings out your face shape! and I'm definitely feeling that black lipstick to be a permanent thing ya know! really contrasts with your blonde hair and makes your skin look porcelain! perfect dear! keep it up!! you'd make a perfect white witch MWAH! xxxxxx

  2. i defo prefer your hair like this! im in the same situation hair wise, i had lovely thick long hair and i chopped it off and now it refused to grow so i got extensions and now i live by them i i wont go out with out them (on a night out) if you invest in some real remi human hair ones they can look so good an not like extensions at all!

  3. i'll be honest, i didn't know you had extensions in until i read what you said. i lovelovelove the black lipstick and the middle parting, it suits you a lot.


  4. I'm loving your hair that length :) I don't usually like hair extensions on people as they can look really scraggly and rat-tail like and in some cases too "groomed" and high maintenance. And a lot of the time it's really obvious what part of the hair is fake and which part is real. But you've proven that not all hair extensions look tacky. They don't stand out from the rest of your hair in the photos - it's good because they're not poker straight and look more natural that way. Ok I'll stop rambling on now! x x


  5. I loved!! this second picture is amazing!! *O*

  6. u look goth haha ur style is amazing !
    I'm a big fan of you

  7. I LOVE your lip color. I've been wanting to try black lipstick for ages now. It looks killer on you


  8. I dreamed of having long, butt-lengthed mermaid hair for ages..then I cut it to a bob! It was freeing...still IS...but I do miss my long hair so much!
    Also what happened to your lipstick?

  9. Great change of blog :> Really like it! Definiately love the last photo. It is great. You look fantastic >

  10. I love your images. You're so pretty too. Ahh, so jealous, haha.

  11. You look amazing, the centre parting definately suits you and i wish i could pull off black lipstick haha x

  12. stunning!


  13. Kayla, could I ask whether you'd recommend the Laval foundation you said you wore if my skin can get a little oily? I'm considering buying it but worried it will look awful on my occasionally oily face. Also, how is the coverage? Thanks (and you look so amazing on these pictures).

  14. I love the middle part
    I actually don't mind your fringe or so
    I think you look great with both! Which is great, cause some people can't pull off the middle part, like me. Sad but I know
    You look amazing

  15. You look fantastic. The middle part looks awesome on you, I've been playing with that myself :)

    Stop by some time!


  16. the perfect lips! So original. I applaud ;)

  17. I love your hair! You're so beautiful. It's so unfair! What do you do to keep your skin so pretty? :)

  18. i like your photo and style. likee! first i look you on lookbook.nu i love your clothes there. :D


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