Hey everyone, guess what I have acquired a laptop! Its not actually mine its my moms but she lets me borrow it. Right now I'm happily blogging from the comfort of my bed. I have finished my course, its only been a few hours but I have become increasingly unbelievably bored and so I have decided to enable my formspring again - feel free to ask me any questions although I don't know if I'll be able to answer them all!
A few weeks ago I went to a car boot sale and found this lovely My Little Pony, along with two others and six barbies. I decided to make barbie necklace so I brutally mutilated my barbie and attached her head to a necklace I've had for a while. Everyone seems to think its really creepy... which I think is kinda cool haha!
I think I should invest in a better quality webcam....
we've got the same ideas! :P
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute necklace, I made one like that last year but I've never worn it actually. I'm in love with your hair, it really suits you!
ReplyDeleteYour hair looks simply lovely!!xoxo
ReplyDeletecool :)
ReplyDeleteI have some glasses just like those! xx
ReplyDeleteCute pony, it is cutely weird!
Please take a minute to look at my vintage boutique;
Barbie fever! You look like a doll in these shots! So cute!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog
wow! that necklace!
ReplyDeleteKrissy xoxo
I actually think it's really creepy too haha!
ReplyDeleteBut I guess almost everything fits you. And i looove your hair!
Love the necklace, very eerie, reminds me of something Allison Harvard from Americas next top model would wear! Wonderful blog,I always enjoy reading it :)X
ReplyDeleteLove that necklace :D
ReplyDeleteI need to do one like that :D
Follow me, if you still aren't ;)
Have a fashionable day! <3
IT *
i think it's fucking amazing
I love your Barbie-gunge hair! x x x
ReplyDeleteI love how quirky this is Kayla <3
gotta love barbie lol x
ReplyDeleteI love your hair
Gah wish I kept my barbies so I could make them into such adorable necklaces. I adore the look :)
I really love your style :)
Love your hair, and more generally your style :)