I think I should make my fringe permanent?


The top photo is me with my natural hair and no makeup, oh dear. I thought you might like to see my morning transformation haha. I don't really like my hair in the first photo but I also don't know if I should cut a fringe in. At the moment I'm just clipping it under, and I really like the way it looks, but I'm scared that if I cut it, it wont look the same, but I hate having to spend so much time trying to get my fringe right.. and then sometimes it falls out during the day, but then some days I feel like having a middle parting, even though I don't think it suits me. Oh the confusion. Also, I bleached my roots the other day with live xxl, I'm going for a more all over striking colour rather than highlights, I love it, my mom wasn't too happy though :'(


  1. Love the fringe, you should definatley get it cut in, and if you don't like it you can always sweep it to the side and grow it out :) x

  2. you look so much better with the fringe lovely! x

  3. wow, how do you make it like that? it seems so complicated and time-consuming from just seeing how long your hair is on the front naturally. you should totally go for the fringe..it suits you so well!!!

  4. Super cute hun! But if you could switch it on and off, I'd opt for the change whenever, wherever! YOu look like a barbie doll!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  5. The middle part defiantly does not suit you, your face is perfect for a fringe! When you get your hair cut, just bring the clip in hair piece with you so that your hair dresser knows exactly how you want it!

  6. Yes, it looks great! Ask your friends for a good hairdresser, I also wanted a fringe but it looked awful because of the wrong hairdresser..

  7. cut it! :) they will grow! don't worry :D

  8. i think it would look perfect! and like someone else said, if you don't like it you can just put it to the side.
    also, i never thought that was fake! it makes a lot more sense now ha.

    http://kaydotoh.blogspot.com/ x

  9. Wow you look very young in the first photo! I like your hair but the bangs really suit you too :P

  10. well those would suit you. and if you ever feel like having a middle parting you can, cause they won't be too short. just split them and tame them with the flat iron. :D

  11. You suit both loads, I reckon you should keep it long because it means you can do whatever style you want and if you cut the fringe in it'll be a lot thinner than what it is clipped under and won't have the same effect.


  12. cut it cut it cut it

  13. You look great either way but I love the fringe :)


    Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;


  14. The fringe looks gorgeous on you!
    If you are going to get it cut professionaly, you can go to the hairdresser with your hair pinned as a fringe to show how you want it to be, and i'm sure it'll be alright!

  15. I got a fringe a couple of years ago and it was such a pain! I had to trim it all the time and it took me like a year to grow it out!! I think it looks cool how you clip it under though, it looks different:)<3

  16. Could you make a video of your getting ready or something? I'd love to see how you style your hair and how you do your make up! xx


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