Why are these bloggers so famous? My personal view is that they all share a similar universally liked style, everyone obviously has their unique qualities but the overall style is quite the same, what they do is they do it well. Every blogger deserves the followers they have, some start from nothing and make it big but also I think if you have the money to afford a professional photographer and run a professional blog right from the start, then go for it, the world is your oyster! However this leaves those with less money, with no photography or photoshop knowledge or maybe just someone with an unusual style, kind of out of the loop. Some people have all these things, some people have a few and some have none, but these are not things you necessarily need to be creative with fashion! The only problem is with all these other famous bloggers around, I can't find the people who I want to find! ... for example...
Perhaps you are a wonderful sewer and put together your own garments, maybe you can pattern cut, you might really enjoy dying clothes or bleaching them, you could be a lover of spray paint or fabric paint, you might enjoy adding new buttons to your old shirts or adding trims or even cutting two shirts in half and mixing and matching each piece to create something entirely new! Maybe you're a beauty blogger and you have some amazing unique makeup tutorials or examples, maybe you make your own face masks, maybe your blog contains photos of you showcasing your crazy hair colours or hair styles, maybe you like making head bands or hair accessories, or perhaps you create your own jewellery. You might have some conceptual self portraits or you could even be an aspiring fashion illustrator or designer. The possibilites are literally endless and if I see blogs like this I feel really inspired and chances are, I'll become obsessed. I want to see past the fact that someones blog may not be professional because if you have a talent, no amount of photoshop or amazing camera dslr skills is going to stop me from being able to see that you have something there worthwhile and these are the kind of people that I want to find!
So maybe if you're sat in your seat right now jiggling around thinking "thats me, thats me!!" Then please leave me a comment, I'd love to check out your blog. Maybe we could discuss below how we could go about showcasing all these different creative people as that's something I'm also interested in!
Just thought I'd leave you with where my outfit is from, the shirt is actually a school summer dress from a charity shop, the jacket/ shirt is from WEARECOW ( the skirt is from a charity shop but I cut it short and its split up the middle but I kinda like it, and the shoes I got at a car boot sale!
Also if you've actually read all this then thank you very much for reading!
I totally agree with you on this one! I feel like all of the famous bloggers have the same kind of style, and not the one I'm that inspired by, which I think it sad...
ReplyDeleteI dont tend to follow fashion bloggers it's all the same images pasted from the vogue site - label whores bloggers are also like urgh... Stop it - half the time your not original and its annoying that you think you are.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, all the negativity aside love your blog :D I found it through andini ria :D will follow when I get on my laptop!!
I actually read it from the beginning to the end. Everything you said literally explains what I think sometimes. I could care less for how "big" my blog gets, the main reason I started a blog was to get my designs out there, instead of keeping them locked away from sight.
ReplyDeleteHoping you'd like to take a look xo
Hi! ^^ I am a blogger with totally different style than you, but I still enjoy your blog very much! :)
ReplyDeleteI don´t have the best pictures, but sometimes I am lucky and have people take my picture or visit someone with a proper camera, but usually I just use my mobile :) I have done a few tutorials and tips entries, but I wanna do loads more!
I would be really honoured and I would appreciate if you checked out my blog! ^^
Im actually in love with this outfit <3 you shorts, omg, im speechless <333
ReplyDeleteand cool appearance of your site
kayla, this is great. i first want to say that you're new theme is fabulous and i adore. please come look at my blog i will also be posting new DIY projects i have planned :D
ReplyDeleteI agree so much, I read more 'small' blogs then I do of the bigger popular one's!
This is a great post, I definitely agree. I think if you have a passion for blogging then that's all that matters really and it really does come across to your readers.
ReplyDeleteYour outfit is super cool, I love the sporty edge! <3
I totaly understand your point and i agree so much! This is my blog
ReplyDeleteI follow a lot of blogs that are similar in style, not because I might think their style is amazing and different, but coz of the style of photos or how they say things, and then I find myself following their style and it annoys me because I try to be a little different! So it try and follow blogs like yours that are different and quirky but they're so rare :(
ReplyDeleteYou are very very right :)
Love your outfit and new theme :) xxx
Although I'm not quite into the fashion blogger scene I understand you. You're right. But behind this problem with the blogger world there is a much bigger problem concerning our whole society and our view on the world.
ReplyDeleteGreat that you wrote about it.
That makes you even more likeable to me :)
I read this entire post and was so so pleased I did. I agree with you so much, I may not emulate unique style myself, but my favourite blogs are the one's where I see something so unique, with loads of pensolity. They're the one's that really get me thinking about my own style, and get me to try out new things. Please share all the great one's you find!
Wow,you're soo cool *_*
ReplyDeleteKayla I found you on lookbook one boring day and now you are a huge inspiration to me and actually the reason I chose to do a fashion and clothing BTEC at college. Congratulations on getting a place at LCF.
ReplyDeleteI use my blog to post my illustrations and college work sometimes, as well as random other fashion/art/music related posts. I hate the generic fashion/beauty blogs. They review the same damn products over and over again and its boring. I like personal blogs with drawings and bad pictures and little diys and days out. x
gorgeous outfit! I totally agree with what you are saying! Theres real talent out there that is being drowned out by the more "professional" blogs. I love all types of blogs and if i see someone has something good then i follow! Good luck on your hunt! :)
ReplyDeleteHayley xx
I'm very, very different to you but I really love your blog! Perhaps you will like mine too. I'd definitely say I'm inspirational in real life- I'm a primary school teacher and I particularly love art, so I inspire kids to believe in their creative abilities. As for my blogging life, I'll let you decide!
Loving the photo’s! Gorgeous look!
hi!First i like your blog and your style, and i also love to shop in secindhand or cheap stores.^.^
ReplyDeleteand also i writing a blog. but I write in my native language. I like to post about my life (i am studing in art academy,textile ), my simple DIY. about my works, accessories.. I have my style, but i dont have who could take photos of my looks.thats is a minuse for me. also i write about costume history.
I write my blog for people who want to live intersting and look beautiful, but don't have a lot of money.
And also I want to find more blogs, who could inspire me.because those fashion blogs almost all are the same.
if you want to see my blog ,its here:
have a good day >.<
My blog has 3 followers and I love them dearly for doing so :) Its nothing fantastic, just a mix of my photography (amateur but fun) and my thoughts (fun but sometimes deep.) Would always enjoy more people looking at it but kind of letting it happen naturally. The people that should be there will be :)
ReplyDeleteAs for your look, so totally wonderful. Again, I have to say your hair is so amazing and cool, style and color. That top is vibrant and original and those tights perfect on you. Great work!
i love this outfit, you look great.
I totally agree...I'd love to check out some new blogs as well. My blog is still kind of developing and finding its own kind of niche, but you never know, one day it might be something of interest to people!
I totally agree with all that you wrote, its so true and often I find myself getting caught up in the world of 'professions' bloggers when sometimes their blogs are very uninspiring and bland.
ReplyDeleteI'd loove it if you had the time to check out my blog and let me know what ya think.
I've been following you since waaay back and have enjoyed watching your blog grow and your style get so much more unique.
Hi, i just want to say that I love your style since I saw first time your outfits on tumblr haha, you're a big inspiration for me <3
ReplyDeletealthough I don't understand everything you write (im not fully english) I agree with your opinion, feel free to check my blog out, although my style is more different from yours I think
I don't really see blog as big or small, I mean I know there are those type of blogs but I really couldn't care less. If your blog is inspiring to me then I will definitely follow you. It goes back to everyone, really. How much you can relate to that blog? I mean, I like lots of 'big' bloggers but if I don't find them inspirational then they're not going to end up on my reading list. Or something like that lol
ReplyDeleteI agree with your point very much and think that famous bloggers shouldn't really be promoting the well-known fashion designers. In turn I think they could turn to young aspiring fashion designers as they are the next generation of style. And it is queer how every famous fashion blogger gets famous because of all the pret a porter designs. It's quite disappointing that bloggers with their individual style don't get appreciation for it. I'm not saying that's with every blogger, but most. But yeah, you're completely right :)
ReplyDeleteI love your outfits and you inspire me most of the time as you have a great fashion sense and amazing body :)
I have just started a blog very recently and unfortunately due to cost i am unable to so far develop a flawless aesthetically pleasing blog with my own domain etc etc but im hoping in the near future i will be able to get acknowledged and gain a family of followers that enjoy the stuff i post rather then follow me because i have the money to do so. I you could i appreciate you checking out my blog please be considerate ive only just put it up and its very raw but if you think its going somewhere or even if not id love to here some feedback : thank you xxx
ReplyDeleteI defiantly agree, fashion isn't about what you can afford, it's individuality and has been since the start, even though that idea has been defiantly distorted. If you feel comfortable in what you wear then that is something more worthwhile than being able to afford certain things. Most likely why everyone is following the same kind of trend, they want to be noticed, but I don't understand how people think they can get noticed in a sea of people all the same. YAY for uniqueness. Even if people do think you're a little strange..
ReplyDeleteSuch a great post. I agree completely. I am not very eccentric or different but I don't have a professional photographer or designer clothes.
ReplyDeleteI love fashion and I'm starting a fashion course in September to improve my skills.
I completely agree! so hard to find any individual bloggers these days, I admit I hardly read any as there just don't inspire me at all, which is why I love your blog so much! And you've never sold your soul! I also think you might like my customised denim label WAISTE! xxx
ReplyDeleteI'm the same! So easily inspired by other's people's ideas :') I'm obsessed with anything fashion really and starting fashion design at uni this year :) xx
I can't tell you how much I relate to what you just said - I think my style is slightly less mainstream and even though I'm proud of my content I'm afraid it gets over looked.
ReplyDeleteI'll link you to my hair history post since you mentioned crazy colours:
:) thanks for doing this!
I am rather strange and have always found it sickening to try and act normal--i.e. not myself. So I embrace and flaunt my oddities! I believe you do so as well, Kayla. I love your blog, your outfits, your pictures--and Lord, that hair--but especially that you wrote this post! I completely agree! So far I have 0 followers and I would be terribly grateful if you could follow my blog! I could also use some tips on how to get discovered on here in this endless expanse of bloggers... Always look forward to your stuff :)
Girl, I know exactly what you mean! It seems as though there are so many "cookie cutter" blogs that are all so similar. I like finding the unique individuals as well!
ReplyDeleteIf you'd like, check mine out. I absolutely adore yours. :)
Hi kayla I'm from spain :)
ReplyDeleteI follow you for a long time but I never comment LOL. I love your style and I want to say that I'm totally agree with you I think there are people like me, who love fashion but don't have a big economy like those big bloggers but have an own feeling about clothes and style.
I hope see more of those beautifuls styles on this blog girl, have a nice day!
I completely agree with you Kayla. Every blogs I see are replicas of each other. This month all the blogs i visited had this skirt ( day-skirt-zara.html) in wishlist .
ReplyDeleteI created a blog because I thought it was different from the others and that was the major reason for the existence of so many bloges fashion. Apparently i was wrong, this looks more like an advertising site. One Buy stuff and others come and go shopping instead of wanting to "someone" in this world . Someone with a voice in fashion .
I do not think my blog is the best there is, but at least I have pride being a "different" girl . A girl who wears what she like, what she want and some of her's creations.
I'm following you for a long time because I think you have a great blog and a fantastic style. You are unique !
Sorry for my bad english .
Participate on my giveaway and win 10% or 35% discount for 5 months and a The SLR CD :
Amazing jacket!
ReplyDeleteI don't think my blog is particularly inspiring (I like to try things but more often than not I just stick to what I like) so instead here are 3 blogs that have been inspiring me lately: -the lovecats by meg lea Isabelle - good morning angel (who I've followed since I started blogging and she's so nice and just her outfits are so witchy and cool) -fashion can not die (who I've only discovered this week but love)
I love, love, LOVE this post when I added you on bloglovin it gives some of the old posts as well so came across this one accidently and I totally agree. I still can't believe the top is a school summer dress that is a genious idea. X
ReplyDeleteStyle With Friends
I adore all of your looks and I feel that this is so me! I make a lot of my own clothes and shop mainly in charity shops so only recently decided to get a blog. I don't know if my posts are particularly inspiring but it would mean a lot if you could check it out.
ReplyDeleteKeet up the fabulous, Cat x
Completely agree with every word of this, it's stupidly hard to find bloggers than a bit different! So many seem to be just samey! So glad you have put this into words, thanks very much for this post! Xx
ReplyDeleteI find it so hard to find blogs I want to follow and alot of them that i do follow are quite similar. I recently made a prom/ party dress featuring a hell of a lot of hand stitching, i'd love it if you could take a look!
ReplyDeleteIt'd be awesome if you could check out my blog, it's nothing mindblowing but its definitely not your regular blog xxx