Hello everyone! I've had such a great time at London Fashion Week, I'm really sad its over! I'll be posting some photos from the shows over the next few days and my outfit photos. I've met so many great bloggers and also got to meet up with Olivia multiple times, I haven't seen her for over a year so it was really good to catch up! Tonight I'm just posting these photos from Ashish (I can't believe the first fashion show I ever saw was Ashish now thats something really cool to say haha!)

Ashish is one of my favourite designers and I was by no means disappointed by this collection, I love anything shiny and sparkly and also denim is one of my favourite things so clearly this was going to be one of my favourite collections! I've spoken to lots of people about it and a few have said they're annoyed that he's ripped off Jeremy Scott's 'Enjoy God' however (maybe because of how shiny the collection is), I just don't agree, I thought 'Enjoy Coca-cola' was a Coca-cola slogan anyway, and who doesn't enjoy Coca-cola! Clearly Ashish is a fan, or maybe his teeth are rotten and its ironic, who knows!

I wish I could have got better photos but don't worry, the next two collections I have to show you are equally amazing. Also I have some outfit posts and street style posts to come!


  1. So jealous you got to see this in person, Ashish is such an outstanding designer and his work is SO unique!

  2. Looks so amazing, I'm so jealous!


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