A few months ago I attended the Michelle Keegan for Lipsy press day! It was definitely a very fancy affair, held in one of the luxury hotel suites at the top of the Me Hotel in London. I have to thank the lovely PR girls at Bank Fashion for the invite! I've been to the Me Hotel a few times and it never fails to disappoint, its a great places to stop off at for some nibbles whilst at LFW as its very near Somerset House. I also love wandering around inside, its like a very posh elegant maze, which kind of reminds me of a modern day version of the Ministry of Magic department of Mysteries.

As for the collection, despite Lipsy not being the type of brand which I feel suits me (I mean lets be real here haha) saying that, all their clothes always seems to be such amazing quality, and if I was the type of girl that wore pretty cocktail dresses, I'd definitely be shopping there. All their dresses are always so flattering! Last year I acquired a black faux leather dress with embroidered front from the Lipsy Kardashian collection, it fitted me so amazingly well! In fact I have actually kept it in my clothing collection, just incase I ever have anywhere posh to go and I need a fancy dress to wear. My favourite item from this collection was the leather jacket, its soooo gorgeous *dies* the leather (I'm actually not sure if it was faux leather or not) is so thick and it has a "models off duty" feel and I think everyone wants one of those style leather jackets!!


  1. You look lovely! I love the range!

    Hayley-Eszti | www.hayleyeszti.com

  2. Their white two piece in the third photo looks so good!

  3. The leather jacket is gorgeous- I didn't realise there were pieces like that in the collection x
    eleanor's adventures // UK Fashion & Beauty Blog

  4. I love Lipsy but the majority of their clothes are a little too dressy for me. That leather jacket does look incredible though.

    Raise The Waves

  5. Stunning photos, you look gorgeous! i know what you mean, I don't often wear part/cocktail dresses but Lipsy would definitely be the first place I'd go if i did! I'm a new follower and cant wait to see more amazing posts <3
    I'm holding a giveaway on my blog of a new polaroid camera if you are interested in entering :)


  6. I agree, the leather jacket definitely looked amazing. Michelle Keegan always looks so amazing, can't believe you got to meet her :)

    Emma at www.collagemepretty.blogspot.co.uk

  7. I love your outfit and with that jacket you look like a "model off duty" ahah
    - Alícia

  8. I know how you feel. Lipsy isn't my sort of brand either... there always seems to be a lot of body con dresses and I just can't do body con! Looks like a fun event though! x



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