I've been so excited to finally wear these Gola plimsoles, they're super comfy and it was such a nice day yesterday I decided to go out and shoot them in this rather lovely weather! The print on the trainers is a collaboration with Liberty London, it makes them feel extra special! I've been a big fan of Liberty fabrics for absolutely ages and whenever I go into store I love to go and stare at the fabrics and decide which ones if I would purchase if, yknow.. if I were super rich. This particular fabric is adorable as its their Alice in Wonderland print (hence the title, We're All Mad Here!!!!) to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland! I think my favourite part of the print is how how on one of the toe on the left trainer theres a cute little picture of Humpty Dumpty so whenever I glance down I see him staring up at me which makes me chuckle.

I wasn't too sure which colour were my favourite, I'm probably going to have to go with pink though as, well, I always choose pink lets face it haha! I'm totally considering wearing one of each colour on each foot, I don't know why I didn't think of that for the shoot ahh!! Think I could get away with it?? They look super adorable with little frill socks and jeans or as these are quite girly and cute I would totally wear them with a cute little dress if I wanted to dress or skirt it down a bit.

As the campagin is called #WhichGolaAreYou and I had both of the colours for these trainers I decided to try out two different outfits in a how-to-wear-your-Golas kinda thing, honestly my favourite outfit is definitely the mom jean outfit however I also really like the long socks and the tropical tshirt look which is very summery! think they'd also look super cute with a tennis skirt!


  1. This outfit! SO much love! I love the blue shoes with the long socks, so cute!

    www.hayleyeszti.com | UK Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  2. I love your style !! So colourful !! Life is too short to wear boring clothes right ? :D

  3. I was actually thinking about getting shoes like those, they look so nice! I think my fav pair are the blues ones so cute.

    xoxox hercely

  4. I like how both these outfits went really well with your outfit <3



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