SHORTS: STYLE MOI/ PINK (white not available) similar @ TOPSHOP


Mooi En Lief were kind enough to send me and my boyfriend away for a short holiday earlier last week to Weymouth! Its one of our favourite places to go on holiday as its really pretty there, there are so many cute pastel houses, I thought the pink buckle wellies would go really well with the seaside town! On the first day we went and walked along the beach, where we took these photos. It was a bit overcast but hey ho the English weather doesn't surprise me aha! Then I went paddling in the water, seeing as I had wellies on you kinda just have to make the most of being able to go in the water without getting wet!! I have more photos of this but I'm going to post them separately as they look super fab and deserve their own post! Afterwards we went and walked around the town and then had dinner at a pub which we always seem to end up going to, its called The Old Rooms and its right off the harbour so you can watch all the boats going past as you eat your meal or drink your wine or whatever you happen to be doing!

I love the lace up detail on the back of the wellies, its such a cute detail which I've never seen on other wellies before! I did forget to take a very crucial item with me which is the Style Kit which has super cute flowers to go around the edges of the wellies. I originally packed them into another suitcase which turned out to be to big so I repacked everything into a smaller suitcase and ended up leaving them behind, baaah! I'll be going on holiday with Jo soon so we are going to photograph them again (with the cute flower style kits finally) as I actually already have another pair of Mooi En Lief wellies (the Maria wellington boots) which, as they're blue, will suit Jo very well as everyone is aware she is the ice princess!


  1. That Missguided raincoat is amazing! xx

  2. ahh, need that rain mac! want the light pink versh tho but its totally sold out! :( the boots are awesome tho, didnt know they did colored ones! will check them out! http://sarahinwonderlust.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/bare-minerals-foundation.html

  3. Flawless! Love the wellies and raincoat so much <3

    Andini xx | Adventures of an Anglophile

  4. eeegh sooo much pink, love this style! xo

    dresses-and-travels //@susandollparts

  5. I love that raincoat so damn much! I love it in the blue version though. :P



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